Alright, 06 June 2011 has come to an end. I will like to take this chance to thank a few group of people.First of all, thanks to Marlene, Desiree, Mei Xuan and those seniors plus squadmates who were there on 1st June to celebrate Ashikin and mine birthday. It was seriously a surprise for me, I really never expected it, thank you so much. Second, I want to thank Desiree, Jordan and Mei Xuan for the bear that you people passed to me on 2nd June, when I was on the way up to the toilet. Same thing, I never expected it, thank you very much. Thirdly, I want to take this chance and thank my beloved cell group E527(fighters to heaven)for the small celebration on 4th June. Thank you for the cake, present and birthday cake. It was very awesome and I really love it to the max. Thank you guys! :) I will also like to thank Pastor Ming Jin for his wishes! It was extreme awesome! :) I will also want to thank those people who texted me on my birthday itself and all those who wished me on facebook. It was really overwhelming and I never expected it to be this much, thank you people. I also want to thank my relatives and of course my family members(parents plus brothers) who celebrated my birthday for me on the day itself at my aunt's place. Last but not least, I want to say special thanks to Grace for coming down to Tampines from Bedok just to pass me the birthday cakes. :D I really appreciate all of this alot, alot. :D Thank you people for making 06 June 2011 an awesome and memorable day for me! :D Love you people!